Environmental monitoring enables us to track and safely manage water, dust, noise and radiation.

Water Resource Monitoring

Both surface and groundwater are monitored on a regular basis to help identify and mitigate the effect of operational activities, and ensure quality is maintained and protected.

The level of neighbouring groundwater resources is constantly measured to identify any changes due to mining activities and to ensure that water being drawn for the mine is within the permitted range.

Meteorological and Air Quality Monitoring

To ensure air quality is protected we monitor meteorological conditions, gaseous emissions and particulate emissions such as dust at the mine site and in the surrounding community. Meteorological conditions are monitored using weather stations and other devices located strategically within the mine and at the Port Facility in Likoni.


Environmental Radiation Monitoring

The environment in which we operate contains naturally occurring radioactive materials. Base Titanium monitors the level of radioactivity on and around the mine site, including the Likoni Port Facility, to ensure that the baseline levels measured before mining operations started are not exceeded during the mining period.

Noise Monitoring

Noise monitoring is undertaken to protect the neighbouring communities from possible noise pollution. We assess the noise levels from mining and production processes against measured pre-mining baseline data and the Kenya Noise Regulation Guidelines. Noise monitoring is conducted along the mine site boundary as well as the Port Facility boundary.

Ecological Monitoring

Regular monitoring is undertaken to assess rehabilitation success and targets. The monitoring involves checking plant and animal species diversity and richness which is then compared with surrounding reference sites. Rehabilitated areas are then signed off by an independent National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) approved specialist.