Capitalising on the opportunities presented by the operations, Base Titanium has restored, rehabilitated and established new wetlands within its areas of operation.


Prior to the establishment of the mining operation Base Titanium’s Environment Impact Assessment study identified an area adjacent to the mining areas where a wetland previously existed.

Having identified the former wetland area as suitable for rehabilitation, the mine’s infrastructure was designed to avoid encroachment into this area.

Drainage with clean water from the fine sand tailings storage facility was directed into the former wetland and indigenous sedges, aquatic vegetation and trees, propagated in Base Titanium’s nursery, planted.

The area has now been restored into a thriving wetland.

Initiative’s Success

The wetland now provides a habitat for both floral and faunal aquatic species of conservation importance.

Subsequent amphibian and reptile monitoring has found healthy populations of reed frog species, including the Endangered Shimba Hills Reed Frog (Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus), the Spiny Reed Frog (Leptopelis flavomaculatus) and the Forest Leaf-folding Frog (Afrixalus sylvaticus) together with floral species of conservation importance.

Moving Forward

A further expansion of the program involves the integration of the mine’s storm water management system with wetlands.

As a result suitable areas are identified and now established as new wetlands to capitalise on storm water runoff.